Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our Story {Why Adopt?}

Our story starts in May of 2011. However, for me, the beginnings of this journey started many years ago. When I was in my twenties, a family friend of ours adopted a little girl from China. This was talked about often in my house, and always in a positive way.

A seed was planted in my heart.

Fast forward 20+ years, a marriage, and 3 kids later, and that seed was still there. In May of last year, my husband and I were away for a night and went out to dinner. We were having a wonderful dinner, talking about how happy we were and how lucky we are to be blessed with our 3 wonderful kids. Our waiter stopped by and offered to take our picture. I'm so glad he did.

I'm glad because at that moment I had no idea that a few minutes later I would say something to my husband that would change the course of our lives. A few minutes later, I totally surprised myself by asking him, "what would you think about adopting a little girl from China?" I surprised myself when I said it because it wasn't at all planned. Not once in our marriage had we EVER discussed adoption. We never struggled to have kids. We had decided 3 was a good number, and we thought we were done. While asking the question may have felt like a surprise, my husband's response was the REAL surprise. Without a breath, a pause or any hesitation, my sweet husband looked right at me and said, "yeah, we should consider it". So, when we returned from our trip, we spent the next year doing just that....considering it. In that year, we never once considered having a biological child, or going anywhere other than China. We researched Chinese adoption, Chinese orphanages, called multiple adoption agencies, talked to friends who have adopted, sought out families who have adopted from China, and consulted pediatricians and international adoption doctors. We spent months and months and many sleepless nights fretting over the risks, the financial burden, and all the unknowns that come along with international adoption.
We talked.

We talked more.

We talked for weeks and months. We talked more about this than we have any other decision we have made in our 10 years of marriage.

We prayed.

We would feel excited, and then we would feel scared.

We would feel certain, and then we would feel uncertain.

Ultimately, we decided that we want to do something really meaningful with our lives. We have been blessed with so much, and we want to give back. We want to live out our faith for our children and teach them the importance of the values that are so important to us: compassion, mercy, tolerance, faith, hope, and of course, LOVE. It is cheesy, I know, but we really feel like we are being called to do this. Our hearts have been completely broken for the estimated 147 million orphans in this world who have no one, and nothing, to call their own. Every child should have a mom and a dad. Every child should know the love of a family. NO CHILD SHOULD BE ALONE. And after months of looking at images like these, and hearing the stories of the thousands of abandoned girls in China, it was no longer 'why adopt'? It was 'why NOT'? After all, we would love another girl in this house!


So, after almost a year of consideration, in April of this year, we signed on the dotted line and felt a complete sense of peace that we are doing the right thing. We are full of hope, and we can't wait until the day that we see our daughter's face for the first time.

"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend that we don't know what to do. God,who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls,knows that we know and holds us responsible to act." Proverbs 24:11-12

Friday, October 12, 2012


We have our LID! Our dossier arrived in China on Monday, the 8th, and we were logged in on Wednesday, the 10th. I am in shock! We were told it would take up to 3 weeks to receive our LID, but we got it in 2 days. Not much moves quickly with international adoption, so we will take it. We are officially ready to receive a referral. Let the waiting begin!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012


We are DTC!!! I am so excited to be able to post that we are finally DTC! (Dossier to China). At 6:00 this evening I got the email I have been waiting so long to receive. Lucky for me, I happened to be with my best friend, who thought to take a picture of me when I received the news:

There is still a long road ahead for us, but we are SO happy to celebrate this milestone tonight. I was at a little "happy hour" with my sisters (well, one is my best friend, but she is pretty much a sister) when I got the news. I am so glad I was able to share that moment with them (minus Amy and Kim ... wish you could have been there!). These girls have been listening to me talk about this since early 2011, and I never could have made it this far without them. Thanks girls for all the love and support! Here we are celebrating the good news:

It was such a great feeling to come home and celebrate with my hubby. Now we wait for our dossier to be received in China, which usually takes 3-5 days. Then, sometime within 3 weeks of being received, our dossier will be "logged in". This Log-In-Date is called our "LID", and once we receive that, we are officially ready to receive a referral!! A referral could take anywhere from 1-12 months to receive. So, for now we are just happy to be ONE STEP CLOSER TO OUR GIRL!!!